First of all, the controls are soo difficult and sometimes the enemies spawn right beside or even on your character. There is also too little health.
Other than that good sound effects, graphics and smooth animation.
First of all, the controls are soo difficult and sometimes the enemies spawn right beside or even on your character. There is also too little health.
Other than that good sound effects, graphics and smooth animation.
Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, will make four spawnpoints instead. Plan is to have a level up system to increase health according to beard awesomeness.
I started making the game a week ago and rushed publishing it to be included in the stencyl jam but will keep developing this and see how good it can get.
EDIT: Now they spawn at entrances instead
I really nice and well thought out game, I really love the concept but, at the same time it makes me rage some times. For example the empty room with the portal thing on the top right corner I know what I have to do. It took me quite a time to figure it out but, even now I can't beat that level, because it's a matter of distance between the character and it's shadow, and the distance needed is the size of a pixel.
I already new it was going to be an amazing game just by looking at the title at the beginning. I'm also really surprised that 1 person can make something like this.
You deserve a "Flash Oscar" sir. :)
Thanks dude! I know it's difficult, but I'll let you in on a secret: You're actually trying to beat that level in a very difficult way, although that is possible too. But think like this instead: if one character is in the air, and the other is on the ground, the frictions are different, right? So if you wall jump (away from the wall) with the character that is the closest to it, while the other one is one the ground, and then let go of all directional arrow keys, the character that jumped will actually fly over the one on the ground! Because the friction in the air is smaller than on the ground, the character that jumped keeps moving while the other one has stopped :)
Also, I added a medal for beating the level now ;)
"I already new it was going to be an amazing game just by looking at the title at the beginning. I'm also really surprised that 1 person can make something like this. You deserve a "Flash Oscar" sir. :)"
=> Thanks again, comments like this are a tug at my heartstrings :3
Is there any way to cheat?... any at all.
Hey, thanks for the 5 star review!
There isn't a way to cheat that we're aware of, but we hope you had fun anyway.
It's really hard to get the 10th star! :)
Really great graphics and I love the Aztec Style music in the temple levels.
I would be better is there were some sort of checkpoints, even if there would only be 1 checkpoint per level, also you could make it so that when you go back to the lobby you don't teleport back to the wizard.
Keep up the amazing work! :)
Thanks, I put a LOT of work into the artwork, blood sweat and tears! Yeah checkpoints is something I will definitely do in the future and might do for this game in the next couple of days :)
"Keep up the amazing work! :)" - This made my night and cheered me up, thanks, I needed it :D
Found the hidden game! :D
Now I'd love to tell you guys how to play it but, I'm a really honorable person so I won't tell anyone unless the author gives me permission. :)
P.S. the hidden mini-game is sooooo HARD! and it's not even forth cheating because it just takes even longer. well done. :)
Thank you for playing. :)
How do I get on the score/leader board? because I tried clicking everywhere and when I got the highest all-time score and clicked on the score/leader board icon it didn't show me anywhere.
Other than that, really fantastic game, I love all the levels, goomies and bosses.
My favorite level has to be the last one. Because, just look at it! and only 30% of my happiness came from the fact that I got to the final level.
I think the random Goomy power-up is perfect for a game like this because, it shows you what kind of levels you can expect next, for Example one time I got a "Skull Goomy" from the power-up, so I know one of the levels is gonna have something to do with skeletons, undead world or something like that.
I'm really digging the music, It really relaxes me and makes me more calm when I die before killing the boss.
Great work, and fantastic graphics! Keep it up. :)
Thank you for your feedback! I am very happy you enjoyed my game!
You don't need to do anything to add your score to the leader boards. Every time you beat your high score, it will be automatically submitted to the "Level x" leader board. I can see your scores on the leader boards, so it seems to be working OK. Let me know if you have more questions!
How does the "Coins" system work? per how many bars or points do you get 1 coin?
every 1 sec you get 2 coins, you need survive to take more coins
Very nice and unique game, I like the graphics and how this only becomes a rage game on the last level. xD
keep it up!
thanks :D
Why is the progress restarting in every single game I play on here whenever I close the internet and come back to it.
Maybe you have the cookies disabled or auto-clean after you close the browser. This game in particular uses flash cookies (sharedObject) that are stored on your pc.
*This account is officially inactive, as I have chosen to devote my time into pursuing a YouTube career. I might still occasionally log in to access the forums, but other than that I will not be posting anything, playing or commenting on anything.*
Age 26, Male
Millburn Academy
Joined on 2/7/14