This game would've been perfect with intense music and medals! D;
4.5, best in everything except music and medals. :)
This game would've been perfect with intense music and medals! D;
4.5, best in everything except music and medals. :)
HA! Check out the development of the new Boss 101 game MEDALS, NEW MUSIC! Everything you could ask for! - We also do twice weekly dev weekly updates on this site here!
You really didn't think the "Love Is Blind" medal though, did you? How are we supposed to even see what we're clicking in the menu. It would be a huge challenge just confirming the color change so that we would get the medal.
Thanks for the feedback.
Don't worry, I added a message to ensure the colors were correct when changing the color several months ago.
Surprisingly fun to play! :D
I'm really curious as to what the secret medal is, since there's not much to the game. I thought by the title that it would be destroying everything and not getting hit once, but apparently not. xD
Secret medal:- get 10,000 points
Not sure if this wasn't intentional, but the intro seems to have a skydoesminecraft reference (2 actually). First, JIM-BOB sounds a lot like Jin-Bop. And I never saw someone use the term sheeple before so I'm gonna say it's also a reference as he played an adventure map called The Sheeple. But wait! He played it 3 days ago, and this game was published on December 2014, which is roughly a year ago... O_O ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!!
I have no idea what skydoesninecraft is.
Originality is dead.
lol u messes up the medals. If I get 60 stars I get 50 points, and if I get 90 stars I only get 25 points.
Thank you, bro. This is fixed now!
Amazing, funny, lots of medals and references, I almost feel like. DEEZ NUTS! HA!... xD
I only have Slenderman, the mario box, and the Soul Eater Logo to find. I wonder where Slendy might be hiding. :D
.....I Know.....Slender just so happened to notice the farting girl when Natsu and Pilaf were talking..... :)
Hope you enjoyed it.
Title and description in English, but medals are in Portuguese? lol
Also the graphics are just hurting my eyes. It's like my Paint skills when I was 6.
No sound, bad graphics, some spaces are too tight between 2 tall walls, so at those it's impossible, and it also feels like the gravity is 20 times stronger than on earth. Basically this game is shi*. And don't try to defend yourself with "it's my first game", because even a noob at game development would know how to make an actual game, and not a Pluto of games. And yes, I did just side with the scientists just to insult your 'game'. *cough* NOT! *CHOUCH!*
if this game is basically shi*, why you play?
OMG the freaking text boxes!!! xD
One dude on a forum somewhere did that once, and I saw it why reading his reply to my question. This should so be a thing in big video games!!! :D
Great game as always.
That man? Albert Einstein.
That was a very nice, interesting and simple game, I liked it. :)
I can't wait for the second one! :D
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it :)
*This account is officially inactive, as I have chosen to devote my time into pursuing a YouTube career. I might still occasionally log in to access the forums, but other than that I will not be posting anything, playing or commenting on anything.*
Age 26, Male
Millburn Academy
Joined on 2/7/14